Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Shade: A weapon against skin cancer, childhood obesity

Add the sun to the multitude of factors which can prevent our children from engaging in adequate physical activity. It's rays and accompanying heat are real obstacles that must be accounted for and worked around.

  1. Plant some damned trees!
  2. Erect some man-made shelter...perhaps of solar panels, which power fans that would cool the playground and provide light for physical activity in the evening, when temperatures are lower.

But by all means, we must increase exponentially the quality and quantity of physical activity in and out of the scholastic setting.


  1. You need to raise your water intake significantly. No, your body is not absorbing water through the food you eat like you have been led to believe. 1.5 gallons a day of water should be your goal and do not drink any other liquid. Americans are chronically dehydrated and this leads to disease and poor physical performance as well. I drink Alkaline Ionized Water but that is another subject entirely. Look it up on YouTube. Its great!—Enrique Suarez

  2. We should start a water business to remedy this chronic dehydration, Rick. We'll call it, "Bleeeaaannzzzzdration."

  3. Suarez, for years I've been going back and forth on buying an alkaline ionized water system as I know it has MANY benefits. It's expensive but worth it. Message me on FB, tell me how long you've been drinking it, what kind of system you have etc.
