Sunday, March 27, 2011


The Motivating Factor

To accomplish any mission in life, one must tap into the motivating factor...the why of your doing something. The "MF’er" can be the prize at the end of the task, IE your goal, or it can merely be something that keeps you going when times get tough, such as family, comrades, unit pride…even a previous accolade. All of us lose our motivation from time to time…we become depressed, lackadaisical and complacent. During these periods, it is crucial that we do whatever possible to retrieve our spirits immediately, or the task at hand - the mission if you will, is not achieved. Oftentimes, a “fake it till you make it” approach is requisite, whereby regardless of your mood or relative apathy you forge onward, and are always glad you did. I term this method, "crumbling the booger (story forthcoming)." Though it will not come easy at first, with discipline and a little practice, false motivation may be readily transferred into the real stinkin' deal.

Ask yourself, "What is my Motivating Factor?" When you've identified it and crumbled the booger enough times in this crazy life, paddling against the current, you will have earned the honorary title, MotivatOR! As in, "man...she's a stinkin' MOTIVATOR!" People will notice your genuine enthusiasm and will be inspired, in turn, to find their MF'er.
