Friday, April 1, 2011

Band of Brothers...and Sisters! THAT is MOTIVATION!

I'm forever talking about the connection among DDIP'ers and this clip is an illustration of the itch I'm trying to scratch in that regard. Being there for another human being, under any circumstances, is a truly special thing! Especially when the chips are down..."it's about the men next to you."

Great work during MOTIVATION WEEK, comrades. Though the theme changes next week to EDUCATION, we remain highly motivated hereafter!


  1. you couldn't have picked a more perfect clip. for me, unless you're in DDIP, you just won't get it. i don't even bother wasting my breath and energy anymore trying to explain why i do this and why it's the most important piece of the puzzle in my life. In fact, there are people in DDIP who don't "get it" and that's ok, they still show up and work their butts off. But there's a million levels to the $h!t we do and what we all mean to each other and if ya don't get it, ya never will.

    For Pete's sake, why am I the only f'n person who comments on here?!

  2. Crazy - I get it! When I was home dealing with everything from my Nephew's death, all I wanted to do was come back and go to Boot camp...even just for one class. I can't explain it, don't try. I just know.

  3. Are you kiddin'?! of course you get it! I love ya!
